dimanche 3 septembre 2017


Execution is the killing of a convicted criminal as a deliberate legal act. It is usually a formal act, and is often done either under law or with quasi-legal justifications given. Execution can be legal, if preceded by a judicial process or in accordance with appropriate law (see capital punishment), or illegal, such as killing of hostages. Because of this, in controversial contexts, one person's 'execution' is often another persons unjustified murder.
Formal military executions are typically by firing squad (for violations of orders in wartime or the laws of war) or by hanging (typically for cowardice, or commission of atrocities or other crimes).
Methods of execution which involve, or have the potential to involve, a great deal of pain or mutilation are considered to be torture and unacceptable to many who support capital punishment. Some of these, if halted soon enough, may not have fatal effects.

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